Authored a book titled ‘Women Rights Against Cybercrimes’ on International Women’s Day published by Ministry of Information Technology, GOI October 1, 2023PUBLICATIONSBy Seth Associates
Adoption of Virtual courts in India, SCC blog, 2022 December 25, 2022ARTICLES, PUBLICATIONSBy Seth Associates
Authored article ‘Fending off the cybersharks’, Equatorline vol pg 7-15 April 24, 2022PUBLICATIONSBy Seth Associates
The Pegasus- A deluge or dilemma, linked in, 16 Aug 2021 September 26, 2021PUBLICATIONSBy Seth Associates
The right to be forgotten on internet, linked in, 23 July 2021 September 26, 2021PUBLICATIONSBy Seth Associates
Cyberthreats for girls and laws for their protection ,The Protector, Sept 10,2020 September 26, 2021PUBLICATIONSBy Seth Associates